A cuboid is 5 / 4 meters long, 2 / 3 meters wide and 3 / 8 meters high. How many cubic meters is its volume?

A cuboid is 5 / 4 meters long, 2 / 3 meters wide and 3 / 8 meters high. How many cubic meters is its volume?

Volume = 4 / 5 × 2 / 3 × 3 / 8
=8 / 15 × 3 / 8
=1 / 5 cubic meter

The bottom area of a cuboid is four fifths of square meters and its height is five eighths of meters. What is its volume in cubic meters?

A: the volume is 0.5 cubic meters
Good luck and goodbye

The bottom area of a cuboid is four fifths of a square meter, and its volume is one-half of a cubic meter. How many meters is its height?

V = s bottom * h