A cuboid glass jar, 8 decimeters long, 6 decimeters wide, 4 decimeters high, 2.8 meters deep Cube iron, how many liters of water in the tank overflow?

A cuboid glass jar, 8 decimeters long, 6 decimeters wide, 4 decimeters high, 2.8 meters deep Cube iron, how many liters of water in the tank overflow?

Melody Coran,
Volume of iron block: 4 × 4 × 4 = 64 (cubic decimeter)
8 × 6 × (4-2.8) = 57.6 (L)
Water will overflow: 64-57.6 = 6.4 (L)

The glass fiber reinforced plastic cuboid is 8 decimeters long, 6 decimeters wide, 4 decimeters high, and the water depth is 2.8 meters. If a square iron block with 4 decimeters long edge is put in, it will rise higher than before
How many decimeters higher than the original water level

An Xiaohui
A: the water level rises by 1.333 decimeters. At this time, the water level is (2.8 + 1.3333) decimeters = 4.13333 decimeters, which can submerge the iron. Therefore, the calculation is relatively simple. If it cannot submerge, the calculation will be troublesome
Good luck. Goodbye

The length of the rectangle increased by 5 meters to become a cube, and the surface area increased by 160 square meters
Explain why

The height of the original cuboid must be equal to the length of the bottom,
Which parts are added? 5 × bottom length, 5 × bottom length, 5 × height, 5 × height
The results show that the height = length = 8, the bottom width = 8-5 = 3,
Cuboid volume = 8 × 8 × 3 = 192
It's very clear,
The key is to imagine that, or take a cube and have a look