What is the maximum integer not exceeding - 5 / 3 to the third power?

What is the maximum integer not exceeding - 5 / 3 to the third power?

(- 5 / 3) ^ 3 = - 125 / 27 = - 4 and 17 / 27 not more than - 5 / 3 to the power of 3, the maximum integer is: - 5

The largest integer not exceeding (- 4 / 3) power is

The maximum integer not exceeding the power (- 4 / 3) is - 3

Do you need brackets for the positive fraction to the nth power?
Note, it's a positive fraction! How to express 2 / 3 to the third power

This one needs to be bracketed
The third power of 2 / 3 is expressed as: (2 / 3) & # 179;