The power of the last number is 2.8?

The power of the last number is 2.8?

The final number of the n-th power of 2 changes to 2 486 2 486
Take 4 as a cycle
2007/4=501…… three
2 ^ 2007 has the same mantissa as 2 ^ 3
It's 8

3 (x4 power) square - (- x square) 4 power

Original form
=The 8th power of 3 × X - the 4th power of (- X & # 178;)
=The eighth power of 3x - the eighth power of X
=The eighth power of 2x

The second power of 3 - the second power of 1 = 8 × 1, the second power of 5 - the second power of 3 = 16 = 8 × 2, the second power of 7 - the second power of 5 = 24 = 8 × 3, the second power of 9 - the second power of 7 = 32 = 8 × 4___


Given that a is a root of the quadratic equation 2007x + 2008x-2009 = 0, what is the value of 2007a + (a-2009) / A + 1

A root of 2007x ^ 2 + 2008x-2009 = 0 is a
So 2007a ^ 2 + 2008a-2009 = 0
Divide both sides by a