The density is 0.5 × 10 cubic kg / M and the volume is 2m. When it floats on the water surface and is still, the gravity of the block is calculated

The density is 0.5 × 10 cubic kg / M and the volume is 2m. When it floats on the water surface and is still, the gravity of the block is calculated

According to ρ = m / V, the mass of wood block m wood = ρ wood V wood = 0.5 × 10 & # 179; kg / M & # 179; × 2m & # 179; = 1000kg
The gravity of wood block g wood = m wood g = 1000kg × 10N / kg = 10000n
When the block floats on the water surface, the two forces are balanced, where f = g = 10000 n
A: the gravity of the block is 10000 n

When a piece of wood floats on the water, 3 / 5 of its volume is immersed in the water
2. When it floats on another liquid surface, 1 / 3 of its volume is exposed outside the liquid surface

A wood block with a mass of 2kg and a density of 600kg / M & sup3; was put into water and floated in the water

Because it's less dense on the surface than the water
At this time: F floating = g = mg = P water GV discharge
So row v = 2 * 10 to - 3 m3
So the volume in water is 2 * 10-3 m3