If the cube A and cube B are placed on the horizontal table, their pressure on the table is equal, and the ratio of pressure is 9:4, then the ratio of density of cube A and cube B is 0 In order to prepare a certain mass fraction of dilute sulfuric acid, when measuring the concentrated sulfuric acid with the dosage cylinder, look down on the scale, and when measuring the water, look up on the scale, why is the mass fraction smaller than the requirement?

If the cube A and cube B are placed on the horizontal table, their pressure on the table is equal, and the ratio of pressure is 9:4, then the ratio of density of cube A and cube B is 0 In order to prepare a certain mass fraction of dilute sulfuric acid, when measuring the concentrated sulfuric acid with the dosage cylinder, look down on the scale, and when measuring the water, look up on the scale, why is the mass fraction smaller than the requirement?

Let the side length L1 and L2 be V1 = L1 * L1 * L1, V2 = L2 * L2 * L2. Let R1 and R2 be their respective densities
With equal pressure, R1 * V1 / (L1 * L1) = R1 * L1 * L1 * L1 / (L1 * L1) = R1 * L1 = R2 * L2, that is, R1 / r2 = L2 / L1
The pressure ratio is equal to the gravity ratio R1 * L1 * L1 / (R2 * L2 * L2 * L2) = 9 / 4
Let R1 / r2 = 1 / x, then Li / L2 = x is brought into the previous formula
Because when you measure sulfuric acid, looking down will cause insufficient sulfuric acid, so the mass fraction will be too small