When the cube A and cube B are placed on the horizontal table, their pressure on the table is equal, and the ratio of pressure is 9:4, then the ratio of density of cube A and cube B is () A. 2:3B. 3:2C. 1:1D. 4:9

When the cube A and cube B are placed on the horizontal table, their pressure on the table is equal, and the ratio of pressure is 9:4, then the ratio of density of cube A and cube B is () A. 2:3B. 3:2C. 1:1D. 4:9

F1s1 = f2s2 ﹣ F1F2 = S1S2 = 94 ﹣ L1L2 = 32 ﹣ V1V2 = 278, F1F2 = m1m2 = 94 ﹣ ρ 1 ρ 2 = m1v1m2v2 = 92748 = 23

A cube with edge length a and material density p is stationary on a horizontal table. Its pressure on the table is ()


If a cube with a side length of a and a density of ρ is placed on a horizontal table, its pressure on the horizontal table will increase__ It may be larger than ρ GA___ Why?

P = mg / S = ρ a ^ 3G / A ^ 2 = ρ GA, which does not consider the effect of air pressure
If the air pressure is considered, then the pressure P = ρ GA + P atmosphere
So the pressure on the horizontal table is greater than ρ GA