Calculation formula (2Ab ^ 3 / - C ^ 2D) ^ 2 △ 6A ^ 4 / b ^ 3) × (- 3C / b ^ 2) ^ 3 The answer book is 18B ^ 3 / - ACD ^ 2,

Calculation formula (2Ab ^ 3 / - C ^ 2D) ^ 2 △ 6A ^ 4 / b ^ 3) × (- 3C / b ^ 2) ^ 3 The answer book is 18B ^ 3 / - ACD ^ 2,

=The sixth power of 4A & # 178; B / the fourth power of C D & # 178; × B & # 179; / the fourth power of 6a × (- 27c & # 179;) / the sixth power of B

A laser signal is sent from the earth to the moon, and the signal reflected from the moon is received in about 2.56 seconds. The known speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second. What is the distance between the moon and the earth?

A: the distance between the moon and the earth is 384000 km

A laser sends a signal to the moon. After about 2.56s, it receives the return signal from the moon, calculates the return signal from the moon and the earth, and calculates the distance between the moon and the earth

It is known that the speed of light is C = 3 × 108m / s, and the time for the laser signal to go back and forth between the earth and the moon is t = 2.56s, then the distance of the laser signal is s = CT = 3 × 108m / s × 2.56s = 7.68 × 108m, so the distance between the moon and the earth is d = S2 = 7.68 × 108m2 = 3.84 × 108m. A: the distance between the moon and the earth is 3.84 × 108m

It is accurate and rapid to measure the distance with laser. A laser signal is sent from the earth to the moon, and the signal reflected from the moon surface is received in about 2.56 seconds
It is known that the speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second. How many kilometers is the distance between the moon and the earth? Who knows,

The total time for light to travel between the earth and the moon is so much, and there is also speed. Multiplication is the distance of light, which is twice the distance between the earth and the moon. Then divide by two to get the distance between the earth and the moon

A laser signal was sent from the earth to the moon, and it was received in 2.56 seconds

2.56 / 2 * 300000 = 384000 km
The distance from the moon to the earth is 384000 km

A laser signal is sent from the earth to the moon, and the signal reflected from the moon is received after 2.56 seconds
It is known that the speed of light is 300000 km / s. what is the distance between the moon and the earth?

=384000 km a: the distance between the moon and the earth is 384000 km

It takes 2.56s to send a laser signal from the earth to the moon and return to the earth through the reflection of the moon. What is the distance between the moon and the earth?

The distance of the laser is s = VT = 3 × 108m / s × 2.56s = 7.68 × 108m, so the distance between the moon and the earth is 7.68 × 108m △ 2 = 3.84 × 108m. A: the distance between the moon and the earth is 3.84 × 108m

A laser signal sent from the earth to the Moon receives the signal reflected from the moon after about 2.56 seconds. It is known that the speed of light is 300000 km 丿 S. calculate the distance between the moon and the earth at this time. It is accurate and rapid to measure the distance by laser

=384000 km

A laser signal is sent from the earth to the moon, and the signal reflected from the moon is received in about 2.56 seconds. The known speed of light is 300000 kilometers per second. What is the distance between the moon and the earth?

A: the distance between the moon and the earth is 384000 km

When a laser signal is sent to the moon from the earth, the signal reflected from the moon can be received after 2.56 seconds
It's about 300000 kilometers per second. How many thousand kilometers is the distance between the earth and the moon?

300000 * 2.56/2 = 384000 (10000 km)
A: the distance between the earth and the moon is about 384000 km