Simple calculation of 48 * 2.7 + 16 * 1.9

Simple calculation of 48 * 2.7 + 16 * 1.9

Checking calculation: 2.7 × 1.48

Simple calculation: 12.34 + 23.41 + 34.12 + 41.23


Simple calculation process of 12 out of 23-17

=22 and 5 / 17

The first number is 15, the second number is 19, the third number is 23, the fourth number is 27. What is the number n

The nth number is 4N + 11

Simple calculation (88.9 * 7 + 11.1 * 37)

*Represents times

Simple calculation of 9 / 10 of 11.88 * 41-82 * 10


How to calculate 1 △ 1 (1 / 6 + 1 / 8)? 54 × 1 / 9 =? 54 × 8 / 9 =?

Can (20.2 × 0.4 + 7.88) △ 4.2 be simplified? Write the steps
Excuse me, can you make a simple calculation? Help. Ha ha ha. Help me kiss one, please

It's not too complicated to make a simple calculation. It's not too complicated to make a quick calculation. Be serious. Don't think about everything. It's not complicated to make a simple calculation. 3.8


-17+23+|(-16)-(-7)| =-17+23+9 =15

9 / 17 △ 9 + 1 / 9 × 8 / 17
