For a fraction, if the numerator adds 8 and the denominator subtracts 10, it will be reduced to 3 / 4. If the numerator adds 18 and the denominator adds 32, it will be reduced to 1 / 2. This fraction is

For a fraction, if the numerator adds 8 and the denominator subtracts 10, it will be reduced to 3 / 4. If the numerator adds 18 and the denominator adds 32, it will be reduced to 1 / 2. This fraction is


I am yummy to eat.I'm purple.I grow on the ground.My name bigins with the letter "e".What am

Eggplant is delicious. I'm purple. I grew up on the earth. The first letter of my name is e. who am I?

Ask for help: grade five winter vacation new time 54 page answer! Thank you!
Zoom:It 's new school year. I need to do some shopping.
Zip:I 'll help. We have English on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Zoom:I need some n______ s and p______ s.
Zip:We have P.E. on Tuesdays.
Zoom:I want a new pair of s______ s.
Zip:On Thursdays we have art class.
Zoom:I need a bos of c______ s.
Zip:We have math on Fridays.
Zoom:Oh , I need a new r_____ And a calculator
Zip:What do you do on weekends?
Zoom:I often play football. I'd like a new f_________ .
Zoom:Oh , I'm sorry, Zip.
Zip:What 's the matter?
Zoom:I don 't have enough money.
Zip:OK! I'll put the football back.
Zoom:Oh , no!

1.notebook 2.pencle 3.* 4.crayons 5.ruler
The answer marked with * may be wrong, it should be shoes

The multiple of 1,4,6,8,10,12,16,18,20,22,24,28,32,36 is () and the factor of 36 is ()

The multiples of 4 are 4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36
The factors of 36 are 1,4,6,12,18,36

12 out of 18 = 2 out of 3 = 24 out of 12 ()

12 out of 18 = 2 out of 3 = 16 out of 24 = 8 out of 12

Two thirds of 18 are (),

18/3 * 2 = 6*2 =12

Two thirds of () is 18

Two thirds of (27) are 18

What is 18% of 2 / 3?

2/3x18% =0.12

How does 3 3 6 6 equal 24


What is the equivalent of √ 24 - (√ 3 / 2 + √ 2 / 3) - (√ 3 / 8 + √ 6)
