Cut a cylinder with a bottom area of 28.26 square cm and a height of 8 cm into the largest cone. What is the volume of the cone in square cm? Cut it off (┬_┬)

Cut a cylinder with a bottom area of 28.26 square cm and a height of 8 cm into the largest cone. What is the volume of the cone in square cm? Cut it off (┬_┬)

Cut into the largest cone,
That is, it is cut to the same height as the cylinder at the same bottom
The volume of a cone is:
=75.36 (cm3)
Cut off:
=150.72 (cm3)

The volume of a cylinder is equal to that of a cone. The height of the cylinder is 18 cm. Its bottom area is three times that of the cone. The height of the cone is 18 cm


A cylinder and a cone have the same base area and height. It is known that the volume of a cone is 18 cubic decimeters less than that of a cylinder. The volume of a cone can be calculated

Cone volume = 18 ÷ (3-1) = 9 (cubic decimeter)