A cylinder is 12.56 cm high, and its side is expanded to be a square. What is the volume of the cylinder in cubic centimeter

A cylinder is 12.56 cm high, and its side is expanded to be a square. What is the volume of the cylinder in cubic centimeter

If the side is expanded into a square, the height = the perimeter of the bottom
What is the base radius of the cylinder
12.56 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 2 (CM)
What is the volume of a cylinder
2 × 2 × 3.14 × 12.56 = 157.7536 (cm3)

If the height of a cylinder is shortened by 2 decimeters, the surface area will be reduced by 12.56 square decimeters. Find the volume of the cylinder


The circumference of the bottom surface of the cylinder is 25.12 decimeters, and the surface area is 251.2 square decimeters. What is the side area and height of the cylinder?

What is the base radius of the cylinder
25.12 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 4 decimeters
What is the base area of the cylinder
4 × 4 × 3.14 = 50.24 square decimeter
What is the side area of the cylinder
251.2-50.24 × 2 = 150.72 square decimeter
What is the height of the cylinder
150.72 △ 25.12 = 6 decimeters