A cylinder is 8cm high and 25.12cm in circumference. Now it is cut vertically along its diameter and its surface area is increased______ Square centimeter

A cylinder is 8cm high and 25.12cm in circumference. Now it is cut vertically along its diameter and its surface area is increased______ Square centimeter

The diameter of the bottom surface: 25.12 △ 3.14 = 8 (CM), 8 × 8 × 2 = 128 (square cm). A: the surface area has increased by 128 square cm

How to calculate the surface area and volume of a cylinder?

Volume = π R & sup2; H
Surface area = 2 π R & sup2; + 2 π RH

What is the surface area of a cylinder
It is 30 cm in diameter and 65.156 cm in height

Surface area of cylinder = side area + 2 × bottom area
Side area = bottom perimeter × height
Base area = circumference × base radius & sup2;
Surface area of cylinder = 2 × circumference × bottom radius × (bottom radius + height)
2 × 3.14 × 15 × (15 + 65.156) = 7550.6952 (cm2)