A cylindrical column, its bottom circumference is 1.57 meters, 5 meters high, what is the volume of this column?

A cylindrical column, its bottom circumference is 1.57 meters, 5 meters high, what is the volume of this column?

R = 1.57/2 # (#) = 0.25m
S = #r square = # * 0.25 * 0.25 = 0.0625#m square
V = s * H = 0.0625 # * 5 = 0.98125m cubic
Brother, it's hard work

There are four pillars in the school corridor. The perimeter of the bottom is 9.42 decimeters and the height is 30 decimeters. What's the volume of each pillar? To repaint these four pillars, it's necessary to paint them
What's the area in square decimeters

2πr=9.42 r=1.5

A cylindrical cement column, bottom circumference is 1.884 meters, height is 3 meters, volume is how many cubic meters?

1.884 ﹣ 3.14 ﹣ 2 = 0.3m
3.14 × 0.3 × 0.3 × 3 = 0.8478 M3