There are 10 cylindrical columns in the hall with a perimeter of 1.256 meters and a height of 5 meters. Now they need to be painted. How many square meters is the total area of painting? If 0.8 kg of paint is used per square meter, how much paint is needed to brush these columns?

There are 10 cylindrical columns in the hall with a perimeter of 1.256 meters and a height of 5 meters. Now they need to be painted. How many square meters is the total area of painting? If 0.8 kg of paint is used per square meter, how much paint is needed to brush these columns?

Side area of each column: 1.256 × 5 = 6.28m2
Cylindrical brush paint is to brush its side area,
The side area of 10 columns is 6.28 × 10 = 62.8 square meters
The total paint area is 62.8 square meters
The total amount of paint needed to brush these columns is 62.8 × 0.8 = 5.024kg

10 pillars with a perimeter of 12.5 decimeters and a height of 3.6 meters should be painted. What is the paint area?

To paint a column is to calculate the side area of the column. According to the formula: side area of the column = perimeter of the bottom surface × height, the formula is: 12.5dm = 1.25m, 1.25 × 3.6 × 10 = 45m & # 178;

There are four pillars in front of the classroom, each of which is 4 meters high and 1.256 meters long. The school plans to paint the four pillars, if 0.8kg paint is needed per square meter
How many kg of paint do you need

1.256 × 4 × 4 × 0.8 = 16.0768 kg