The volume formula of cone is______ The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is______ .

The volume formula of cone is______ The formula for calculating the volume of a cylinder is______ .

The volume formula of cone is expressed in letters: v = 13SH. The volume formula of cylinder is expressed in letters: v = sh. the volume formula of cone is expressed in letters: v = sh. the volume formula of cylinder is expressed in letters: v = sh. so the answer is: v = 13SH; v = sh

The volume formula of a cylinder, all of them

Cylinder volume: v = bottom area × height or V = 1 / 2 side area × height
Cone volume: v = bottom area × height △ 3
Area of cylinder side: s side = perimeter of bottom surface × height
Surface area of cylinder: s surface = side area + 2 bottom areas

1. Find the surface area of the cylinder. The circumference of the bottom is 25.12 cm, and the height is 8 cm. Also, see below
A 2-meter-long cylindrical wood with a bottom diameter of 4 decimeters. How many square decimeters has the surface area increased when it is sawed into 4 sections of the same length?
The front wheel of the roller is cylindrical, with a width of 1.6 meters and a diameter of 0.8 meters. The wheel rolls 20 cycles per minute. How many meters does it advance per minute? How many square meters is the roller area per minute?

1. From the perimeter of the bottom surface, the radius is 4, the area is 50.24, and the side area is 25.12 * 8 = 200.96
Cylinder surface area = 50.24 * 2 + 200.96 = 301.44
2 add the area of six circles = 4 * 3.14 * 6 = 75.36
3 circumference = 2 * 3.14 * 0.4 = 2.512 meters forward = 2.512 * 20 = 50.24
Area = 50.24 * 1.6 = 80.384