There are four cuboid columns in the school auditorium, with a square bottom, a side length of 0.6 meters and a height of 5 meters. Paint the four sides of the column Please mark whether you are sure after answering,

There are four cuboid columns in the school auditorium, with a square bottom, a side length of 0.6 meters and a height of 5 meters. Paint the four sides of the column Please mark whether you are sure after answering,

Make sure it's right

In the hall of the exhibition hall, there are eight cylindrical columns with the same shape. The perimeter of their bottom surface is 31.4 meters and the height is 6 meters. The surface of these columns is painted with an average of 0.5 kg of paint per square meter. How many kg of paint are needed

The total perimeter of the eight columns must be 31.4 meters, otherwise the diameter of the columns will reach 10 meters
The total surface area of the column is 31.4 * 6 = 188.4 square meters,
Total paint required: 0.5 * 188.4 = 94.2kg

In the conference hall, there are 10 cylindrical columns with a perimeter of 3.14 meters and a height of 6 meters. Now we need to paint them, 0.5 kg per square meter. Now we need to paint these columns
How many kilos does the post cost?
Hurry up! 11

The side area is 3.14 × 6 = 18.84. The side area of a column is 18.84 square meters. The total side area of 10 columns is 18.84 × 10 = 188.4 square meters. If 0.5 kg of paint is used per square meter, then 188.4 × 0.5 = 94.2 kg