35% of 2.4 tons is () tons; 120 cubic meters is more than 100 cubic meters (); 20 square meters is less than 25 square meters ()

35% of 2.4 tons is () tons; 120 cubic meters is more than 100 cubic meters (); 20 square meters is less than 25 square meters ()

35% of 2.4 tons is (0.84) tons; 120 cubic meters is more than 100 cubic meters (20)%; 20 square meters is less than 25 square meters (20)%

The volume of a cone is 30 cubic meters, the bottom area is 20 square meters, and the height is 20 square meters
The height is () meters.

The volume formula of a cone is that the volume of the cone = bottom area * height * 1 / 3 = square of the radius * 3.14 * height * 1 / 3
Conversely, the height of the cone is the volume of the cone divided by the bottom area and then divided by 1 / 3 (that is, multiplied by 3)
The formula H = 30 / 20 * 3 = 4.5, so the height of the cone is 4.5

Two columns of equal height, one has a bottom area of 15 square meters and a volume of 90 cubic meters. The other has a bottom area of 50 square meters. What is its volume?

What is the height of the cylinder
90 △ 15 = 6 (m)
The volume of the other one is
50 × 6 = 300 (M3)