What is the weight per meter of steel bars with diameters of 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 mm? Am I wrong? 0.008m × 0.008m × 3.1416 × 1m × 7850kg / m ^ 3 = 0.395kg/m So light? I didn't look at physics for several years, but I forgot all about it be ashamed

What is the weight per meter of steel bars with diameters of 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 mm? Am I wrong? 0.008m × 0.008m × 3.1416 × 1m × 7850kg / m ^ 3 = 0.395kg/m So light? I didn't look at physics for several years, but I forgot all about it be ashamed

The building owner's algorithm is correct. The reinforcement of 8 is 0.395kg/m, that of 10 is 0.617kg, that of 12 is 0.888kg, that of 14 is 1.21kg, and that of 16 is 1.58kg

How much is 16 # steel bar 1m

No matter what the diameter of the steel bar is, as long as the diameter * diameter * 0.617 = weight (kg), for example, the weight of 16m steel bar = 1.6 * 1.6 * 0.617 = 1.58kg, which is the most direct and easy way to remember. However, there may be a little deviation from the standard weight in the book, But in the actual project, this deviation can be ignored! Otherwise, you will directly check the "building construction code encyclopedia"!

A kind of rectangular steel bar, each 6.5 meters long, its cross-sectional area is 0.08 square decimeter, so what is the volume of 20 steel bars?

6.5 m = 65 decimeters
Volume 0.08x65x20 = 104 cubic decimeter
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I wish you progress in your study!

When a ball weighing 88.2 n is put into oil for rest, the buoyancy is 78.4 n. if the ball is put into water for rest, how many n is the buoyancy? (the density of oil is 0.8 g / m ^ 3) (G is 10 N / kg)

First, because of the buoyancy in the oil, 88.2
Therefore, when the ball is completely submerged in the water, it will float up, and the buoyancy will become smaller. Finally, when it is still, buoyancy = gravity = 88.2

When a ball with a weight of 88.2n is immersed in oil, its buoyancy is 78.4n. If the ball is put into water, how much buoyancy is it when it is still(
The density of the oil is 0.8 g / cm3

If the density of the solution ball is p, then PVG = 88.2n
If the buoyancy is less than the gravity of the ball and the ball is immersed in oil, then p oil * VG = 78.4n
p=88.2*0.8/78.4=0.9 g/cm^3

When a ball weighing 88.2 n is immersed in oil, the buoyancy is 78.4 n. if the ball is put into water
When a ball of 88.2 n is immersed in oil, the buoyancy is 78.4 n. if the ball is put into water, what is the buoyancy of the ball when it is still? (oil density = 0.8 g / cm ^ 3)
A 5-liter hydrogen balloon has a self weight of 0.01 n. how much force does it take to hold it so that it doesn't fly into the air?

First question:
As long as the static force must be balanced, so buoyancy is equal to gravity 88.2 n
Second question:
The buoyancy of the hydrogen balloon is 0.005 * g of the air density, and then minus the self weight is the required pulling force
(I forgot the air density, ha ha ~)

How to judge whether a ball is hollow or solid with buoyancy knowledge

There are three methods. 1: comparative density. 2: comparative volume. 3: comparative mass. For example, a copper ball with a volume of 10 cubic centimeters and a mass of 62.3g. Try to judge whether the ball is hollow or solid. 1: you can use the volume and mass of the ball to calculate the density of the ball. Compare it with the density of copper. If it is equal, it is solid

It has been conjectured that the buoyancy in liquid may be related to the shape of the object or the density of the object. Please design the experimental scheme according to the two conjectures and write down the necessary equipment and brief steps

But if a wooden ball of the same mass and an iron ball of the same mass are put into the water, their buoyancy should not be equal. If different pieces of wood are put into the water, their buoyancy should be the same as their own gravity

The buoyancy of an object immersed in liquid is the same as the volume of the object immersed in liquid_____ It's the same as the density of the liquid____ All immersed in_____ The buoyancy of an object in a liquid is the same as the depth of immersion____ .

About, about, don't know (don't understand), have nothing to do with

Is the buoyancy equal for the same object immersed in liquid of different densities?

Different, the buoyancy formula is f = liquid density * g * H
The density of liquid directly leads to the buoyancy, such as water and kerosene