How to convert the pressure unit between PA and N? 1pA = how much n?

How to convert the pressure unit between PA and N? 1pA = how much n?

1pA = 1n / m2 = negative fourth power n / cm2 of 10

Conversion of mole and mass fraction
Let the molar mass of solute be x g / mol, the concentration of solution be n mol / L, and the density of solution be m g / ml

Let the solution volume be 1 L, that is 1000 ml
Mass fraction = mass of solute / mass of solution = (NX / 1000m) × 100%

1 mm (thousandth of a mole per liter) and Mg, how to convert?
The results showed that if only 0.3 mm vitamin C was added to the bone marrow cell culture medium of leukemia patients, the growth of white blood cells could be inhibited
What is the formula of matter? I still don't understand. What is the formula of vitamin C? Can we work out its formula with some data?
The relative molecular weight of vitamin C is 176. The mass ratio of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in vitamin C is 9:1:12
The contents of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen in vitamin C were 40.90%, 4.55% and 54.55% respectively
Think about it, can you think that "vitamin C is composed of six carbon atoms, eight hydrogen atoms and six oxygen atoms"?
Respondent: duoduomm - first grade 3-4 17:02

To know the formula of this substance, if the formula is x and the volume is l liter, then the formula of AMM equivalent to Mg is a × x × LMG

1 mol / L hydrochloric acid solution, converted into gram / L,

The calculation is as follows:
1mol / L hydrochloric acid is equivalent to 1mol hydrogen chloride dissolved in 1L water (provided that the total volume of hydrogen chloride dissolved in water remains unchanged, and the actual change is very small, which can be ignored). The molar mass of hydrogen chloride is 36.5, so 1mol hydrogen chloride is equivalent to 36.5g. Finally, it is concluded that 1mol / L hydrochloric acid is 36.5g/l

Millimoles, micromoles, how to convert moles?
How to convert mmol / L, umol / L, nmol / L?

As long as it's a 10 ^ - 3 * basic unit at the beginning of a millimetre, a 10 ^ - 3 is added on the basis of a millimetre, and a 10 ^ - 3 is added on the basis of a millimetre, so 1mmol / L = 10 ^ 3umol / L = 10 ^ 6nmol / L = 10 ^ - 3mol / L

Molar mass Na n, the conversion relationship between them
It's like the molar mass is relative to the atomic mass, and Na is 6.02 x 10 to the 22nd power
Their unit, by the way

1. Mole is the unit of substance: 1mol substance contains 1NA particles = 6.02 × 10 ^ 23
Unit: mol
2. The molar mass is 1 mol. the mass of the particle is numerically equal to the relative atomic mass
The unit is g / mol
I don't understand hi

How many millimoles per liter is one mole per liter?


Find the relationship between molar mass, formula quantity and material quantity
It's a formula like distance = speed × time
By the way, how do these three quantities come from? I hope it's not as troublesome as it's written in the textbook, and there are differences

Quantity of substance = mass / molar mass = volume / molar volume
This can be remembered in three ways:
1) The numerator is the actual quantity, and the denominator is the standard
2) Remember their units first and push them when you use them. This method is slow~
3) Understand them by definition
In a word, we still need to find our own way, relying on our own imagination! Only in this way can we remember firmly and use accurately!
I think it doesn't matter. It's just for calculation~

The conversion formula among the quantity, molar mass, Avogadro constant, mass and particle of matter

N = n / Na (Na is Avogadro constant)
N = m / M (M is the molar mass)
High one compulsory one basic knowledge, hope to help the landlord!

Under the same temperature and pressure, the derivation formula of molar mass ratio of two gases = density ratio

Because at the same temperature and pressure, the volume ratio of two gases is equal to the mass ratio between them