The side area of a cylinder is 37.68 square decimeters. The diameter of the bottom surface is 6 decimeters. Find the surface area of the cylinder

The side area of a cylinder is 37.68 square decimeters. The diameter of the bottom surface is 6 decimeters. Find the surface area of the cylinder

Area of 2 bottom surfaces 2x3x3.14 = 56.52 square decimeters
Surface area 37.68 + 56.52 = 94.2 square decimeters

The surface area of a cylinder is 100.48 square decimeters, and the diameter of its bottom is 4 decimeters. What is the side and height of the cylinder

Floor area = 3.14x (4 △ 2) &# 178; = 12.56m2
Side area = 100.48-12.56x2 = 75.36m2
Bottom perimeter = 3.14x4 = 12.56decimeter
Height = 75.36 △ 12.56 = 6dm

The inner circle diameter of an annular iron sheet is 10cm, the outer circle radius is 10cm, and the area of the iron sheet is () CM & #

Radius of inner circle = 5cm
Iron sheet area
=235.5 square centimeters