One cubic meter of buoyancy A metal block with a volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter is hung under the spring scale. If the metal block is immersed in water, the indication of the spring scale is 6.8n, calculate the buoyancy of the metal block and the gravity of the metal block (G is 10N / kg)

One cubic meter of buoyancy A metal block with a volume of 0.1 cubic decimeter is hung under the spring scale. If the metal block is immersed in water, the indication of the spring scale is 6.8n, calculate the buoyancy of the metal block and the gravity of the metal block (G is 10N / kg)

When the metal block is immersed in water, the buoyancy is equal to the gravity of the metal block draining water. The volume of the metal block is 0.1dm ^ 3 (0.0001m ^ 3), so the volume of draining water is also 0.0001m ^ 3. F floating = g row = ρ VG = 1 × 10 ^ 3kg / m ^ 3 × 0.0001m ^ 3 × 10N / kg = 1n. The gravity of the metal block is equal to the indication of the spring scale in water plus gold

The volume of a cylindrical bucket is 30L, and the bottom area is 7.5dm & #. However, there is a loophole 0.6dm away from the bucket mouth. Now when the bucket is placed on the ground, how many kilograms of water can it hold? (1dm & #; 179; water weight 1kg) is written in the formula

Original height = 30 △ 7.5 = 4 decimeters
Water = 7.5 × (4-0.5) = 26.25 liters