Rotate a cuboid 8 cm long and 6 cm wide around its long side to get a few square centimeters in surface area and cubic centimeters in volume

Rotate a cuboid 8 cm long and 6 cm wide around its long side to get a few square centimeters in surface area and cubic centimeters in volume

A cylinder with a radius of 6 cm and a height of 8 cm is obtained
What's the bottom area
6 × 6 × 3.14 = 113.04 square centimeter
What is the lateral area
6 × 2 × 3.14 × 8 = 301.44 square centimeter
What is the surface area
113.04 × 2 + 301.44 = 527.52 square centimeter
The volume is
113.04 × 8 = 904.32 cm3