A cuboid with a volume of 504 cubic centimeters is 9 cm long and 8 cm wide. How many square centimeters is its surface area

A cuboid with a volume of 504 cubic centimeters is 9 cm long and 8 cm wide. How many square centimeters is its surface area

The height of the cuboid is
=7 cm
What is the surface area
=374 square centimeters

A cuboid is 5cm long, 4cm wide and 8cm high. How many square centimeters is its surface area and how many cubic centimeters is its volume?

Table 2 * 5 = 40
Body 5 * 4 * 8 = 160

The volume of a cuboid is 96 cubic centimeters, its length is 8 centimeters, its width is 4 centimeters, its height is () centimeters, and its surface area is () square centimeters

Height 3 cm