Using a calculator to explore the law: write an integer greater than 100 that can be divided by 3, and find the sum of the number cubes on each digit of the number What rules do you find when you go on like this? Take any integer that meets the conditions and try to verify your discovery!

Using a calculator to explore the law: write an integer greater than 100 that can be divided by 3, and find the sum of the number cubes on each digit of the number What rules do you find when you go on like this? Take any integer that meets the conditions and try to verify your discovery!

Finally, there was a fixed number, 153

Write a number greater than 100 divisible by 3, and find the cubic sum of each digit of the number
Arbitrarily write a number greater than 100 that can be divided by 3, find the cubic sum of the numbers on each digit of the number, and repeat the above operation for the sum. What's the rule?

Let me tell you, it must be 153 in the end!
It doesn't matter if you're 102.111 or whatever you end up with, it's 153