How much does the mangrove weigh per cubic meter?

How much does the mangrove weigh per cubic meter?

Yingtan City is located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, in the middle and lower reaches of Xinjiang River, 27 ° 35 ′ n to 28 ° 41 ′ e, 116 ° 41 ′ e to 117 ° 30 ′ e. it borders Yiyang, Qianshan, Wannian and Yugan of Shangrao City in the north, northwest and East, Jinxi, Zixi and Dongxiang of Fuzhou City in the West and south, and Guangze County of Fujian Province in the southeast

How much does a cubic meter of iron and water weigh?

The weight of a cubic meter of iron is usually calculated by the density of iron. It is usually 7.85 tons
Because pure iron is limited, always contains some impurities, so usually we say the density of iron is not the same
The density of industrial pure iron is 7.87 (g / cm3)
The density of steel is generally 7.85 (g / cm3)
The density of steel used in construction is slightly different due to different brands. For the convenience of calculation, the density of steel used in construction is usually 7.85 (g / cm3), that is, 7.85 tons per cubic meter and 1 ton per cubic meter of water

How much does a cubic meter of sand weigh?
It's Zhongsha, the particle size is about 0.5-0.8 mm, and how many tons of sand can a car pull if the first four and the last eight big Sanyou cars are overloaded,

The medium sand you mentioned is generally 1 M & sup3; 1500 kg. When the upper part of a car is 30 cm high, it can hold 44 M & sup3