What is the phenomenon of iron wire burning in air, what is the phenomenon of iron wire burning in oxygen

What is the phenomenon of iron wire burning in air, what is the phenomenon of iron wire burning in oxygen

Wire does not burn in air
The phenomenon in oxygen is that Mars radiates all around, releases heat violently, and forms black solid,

Write the chemical equation red phosphorus burns in oxygen sulfur burns in air iron wire burns in oxygen charcoal burns in oxygen
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Phosphorus burning in oxygen 4P + 5o2 = ignition = 2p2o5 sulfur burning in air s + O2 = ignition = SO2 iron wire burning in oxygen 3Fe + 2O2 = ignition = Fe3O4 charcoal burning in oxygen C + O2 = ignition = CO2 ignition hydrogen 2h2 + O2 = ignition = 2H2O magnesium burning in air 2mg + O2 = ignition = 2MgO hydrogen peroxide for laboratory use

The following changes: 1. Charcoal burns in oxygen; 2. Sulfur burns in oxygen; 3. Red phosphorus burns in oxygen; 4. Iron wire burns in oxygen; 5. Candle burns in oxygen
1. White light______
2. There is a flame______
3. There is strong white smoke______
4. Mars is all around______
5. White solid is formed______
6. Black solid is formed______
7, which is the source of CO2______

Charcoal burns in oxygen, emits white light, generates gas (CO2) which can make clear lime water turbid. Sulfur burns in oxygen, emits bright blue purple flame, produces a kind of gas with pungent odor, red phosphorus burns in air, produces a lot of white smoke, generates a kind of white solid wire, burns violently in oxygen, Mars