The wrong description of the following phenomenon is () A. Charcoal burns in oxygen and emits white light. B. iron wire burns violently in oxygen. C. sulfur burns in air and emits light blue flame. D. phosphorus burns in oxygen and generates white fog

The wrong description of the following phenomenon is () A. Charcoal burns in oxygen and emits white light. B. iron wire burns violently in oxygen. C. sulfur burns in air and emits light blue flame. D. phosphorus burns in oxygen and generates white fog

A. Charcoal burns in oxygen and emits white light. Correct; B. iron wire burns violently in oxygen and sparks radiate everywhere. Correct; C. sulfur burns in air and emits light blue flame. Correct; D. phosphorus burns violently in oxygen and emits a lot of heat and produces a lot of white smoke but no fog

Charcoal, red phosphorus and iron wire can all burn in oxygen. What do they have in common
If all reactions need to be ignited, the products are oxides. Please sum up their common points

It's all burning
It gives off a lot of light and heat
They all form oxides
It's all chemical reactions

(Zhangye, 2012) it is ()
A. Charcoal B. iron wire C. hydrogen D. red phosphorus

A. Charcoal combustion can produce carbon dioxide gas, but can not produce white smoke; B, iron combustion can produce black iron oxide solid, but can not produce white smoke; C, hydrogen combustion can produce water, but can not produce white smoke; D, red phosphorus combustion can produce white phosphorus pentoxide solid, small solid particles will quickly disperse to form a large number of white smoke