How to convert the liter of grease (lubricating oil) into kilogram?

How to convert the liter of grease (lubricating oil) into kilogram?

Calculate according to the density of the lubricant you use
For example, a large iron barrel of lubricating oil is 208 liters, and its density is 0.9
That should be 208 * 0.9 = 187.2kg
Densitometer more than ten yuan a, glass shop has sold
If the average density of the product is between 0.88 and 0.88, it will save you a lot of trouble

How many liters is a kilogram of lubricating oil equivalent to

The density of lubricating oil has many different values, generally between 0.85-1.05g/ml
So 1 kg of lubricating oil is between 1 / 0.85l and 1 / 1.05l
95 to 1. 18 liters

How to convert kilogram to ton

1000 kg = 1 ton