How to convert KMOL / h into m3 / h

How to convert KMOL / h into m3 / h

The molar constant of gas volume is 22.4 mol / L = 22.4 * 10 ^ 3 mol / m ^ 3
Just divide the unit above by the unit below

Kg is the kilogram. What is kn? How to convert it to kg,

Kn is the unit of force, which is called kn or kn. Kg is the unit of mass or weight, which is called kg. 1. The concept of mass (1) mass is the amount of material contained in an object. As long as an object exists, there must be mass, which is the inherent basic attribute of an object

When calculating the exciting force, how to convert kg * mm / s to kn
The formula of exciting force: F = me ω & # 178;, M is the mass of eccentric block, e is the eccentricity, ω is the angular frequency = 2 π F, (F is the frequency).
Some books introduce me as the static eccentric moment of the eccentric block. In this case, m should be the gravity of the eccentric block, that is, the mass multiplied by 9,

F = me ω & # 178; where m is mass, e is distance (length unit) kg m / s, where M / S (i.e. mm / (s Square)) is acceleration (because velocity unit is m / s per second, divided by time is acceleration), then we can divide kg * mm / S & # 178; into two parts, kg is mass, mm / S & # 17