How to convert units: kg cm / cm =? J / m ^ 2

How to convert units: kg cm / cm =? J / m ^ 2

KGF is the kilogram force, which is the main unit of force in the engineering unit system. 1kgf pressure is the gravity of an object with a mass of 1kg on the surface, so 1kgf / cm ^ 2 = 9.80665n / 0.0001m ^ 2 = 98066.5pa, 1.1kgf = 107873.15pa. If the acceleration of gravity is calculated as / s ^ 2, 1kgf / cm ^ 2 = 98000pa, 1.1kgf / cm ^ 2 = 107800pakg / cm2 is not the unit of pressure, but the unit of mass per unit area, N. KGF and so on can be used as the unit of force

How to read units such as s ^ - 1, n · m ^ 2, J / (kg · K) in English?
S ^ - the reciprocal of one second
J · s Joule second
KW · h kWh
J / (kg · K) joules per kilogram per kilogram

per second
joule second
kilowatt hour
joule per kilogram kelvin

What does 9.8n/kg mean?

The gravity of a kilogram is 9.8 Newton
This is the most standard statement, not many words. The original words in the physics book. The "golden sun team" is not standard, it's misleading! Hum!