The difference between weight unit and mass unit

The difference between weight unit and mass unit

The unit of weight is n
The unit of mass is kg
Weight = mass * acceleration of gravity
If it's on earth, the acceleration of gravity is 9.8kg/s2

Why are the units of mass and weight the same
I'm still a little vague. Now I'm going to make the product specification, which involves the weight of the product is 4G. Should I write the quality as 40g or the weight as 40g!

The unit of mass is not the same as that of weight;
The unit of mass is kilogram (kg), which refers to the amount of substance contained in the object;
The unit of weight is Newton (n), which refers to the gravity of the object;
Usually, the weight of goods is written in terms of quality. You can write 40g weight in general;
But in physics, it is wrong;

Is Jin a unit of mass or weight

Jin, or market Jin, is China's municipal weight unit. Originally, 16 Liang was one jin. After integrating with the international system of units, the weight of an object of 1 kg was defined as 1 kg, that is, 2 market Jin. At this time, 12 Liang is one jin
In physics, kilogram and kilogram are often regarded as the same concept. Therefore, many people think that kilogram is the unit of mass, and by the way, kilogram is the unit of mass. And this concept of equivalence is recognized by many people and used in practical problems