How to convert MPa, kg / cm2 and psi in pressure gauge May I have your advice

How to convert MPa, kg / cm2 and psi in pressure gauge May I have your advice

0.098mpa = 1kg / cm2 1MPa = 145psi is not accurate enough

What is the conversion between MPa and kg / cm2 in pressure unit?

When g = 10N / kg
A pressure of 1000000n is equivalent to a pressure of 1000000kg
1m ^ 2 = 10000cm ^ 2 (square centimeter)
According to P = f / S
1MPa is equivalent to 10kg / cm ^ 2

What's the relationship between MPa and kg / cm2?
Is 1MPa = 0.098kg/cm2 or 1MPa = 0.098kg/m2
Relationship between MPa and kg / mm2
245Mpa kg/mm2

Both of your statements are wrong