The relationship between the quantity of matter, Avogadro constant and the number of particles To describe a formula

The relationship between the quantity of matter, Avogadro constant and the number of particles To describe a formula

The amount of substance is the amount of substance, n = m / M (M is the mass of substance, M is the molecular weight of substance)
The Avogadro constant represents the atomic number of 12g12c, Na = n / n

The relationship between mass, number of particles and quantity of matter
We need the common relationship between the three!

Mass: the aggregation of matter caused by the hill's field aggregation effect. It can be used to describe the amount of matter macroscopically
Number of particles: the number of particles. For the same object, different particles are observed, and the number of particles is different. For example, to describe a certain volume of water, it can be said that it contains a water molecule, or it can be said that it contains 3A atoms
The quantity of matter: the essence is the same as the number of particles, but the unit is different. The unit of the number of particles is one, and the unit of the quantity of matter is mole (Avogadro constant). For example, if you have 60 sheets of paper (the number of particles) and you have 5 dozens of paper (the quantity of matter), it is equivalent
The common relationship is
Mass = number of particles * mass of particles = quantity of matter * molar mass (mass of one mole of particles)

Summary: the formula between the amount of substance (n), the number of particles (n) and Na
