Classification, abbreviations and spelling of foreign degrees thank you

Classification, abbreviations and spelling of foreign degrees thank you

Bachelor degree: Bachelor's degree of Engineering (abbreviated as b.eng.), bachelor's degree of Science (abbreviated as B.S.), bachelor's degree of art

What are the requirements or rules for English abbreviations

Generally, except for the first letter of a word, the rest of the vowels and voiceless consonants can be omitted. For example, requirement can be abbreviated as rqrmnt

Abbreviation rules
Some abbreviations are easy to understand, such as acronyms, but some are not to the point. For example, how did China write CHN? Why

There are 26 letters in English, only five vowels are aeiou, only six are y, and the rest are consonants. I wonder if you have ever played the word guessing game in Wenquxing electronic dictionary, that is, how many letters a word has, just give a few small squares, Then how many times do you have the chance to guess the letter in a word? If you can guess the letter in a word, the letter will appear in the box where it is in the word. The secret of this game is that the vowel is easy to guess, so first guess a, e and so on, fill in a few vowel initials, and then slowly guess the consonant according to the clue provided by the vowel, This game tells us a truth, each word is different, difficult to guess, need to remember is his consonant letter. So there is this kind of abbreviation. This kind of abbreviation want to restore, on the basis of the abbreviation to see aeiou and Y which appropriate complement, on the line, Building is abbreviated as BLD and so on