List all the length units in junior high school physics, Chinese, symbols have to get

List all the length units in junior high school physics, Chinese, symbols have to get

Junior high school physics formula table physical quantity unit and formula Physical quantity unit formula name symbol name symbol mass m kg kg m = ρ V temperature T ℃ velocity v m / S M / S v = s / T density ρ kg / M 3 kg / m3 ρ = m / V kg / M 3 kg / m3 force (gravity) f Newton (cow) n g = mg pressure P Pascal (PA) P = f / s work w Joule (joule) J W = FS power P watt (watt) W P = w / T current I A i = u / R voltage U V U = IR resistance R ohm Ω r = u / I electric work w Joule j w = uitelectric power P watt w / T = UI heat Q Joule J Q = cm (t-t0) specific heat C Joule / (kg · C) J / (kg ·℃) in vacuum light speed 3 × 108 M / S G 9.8 N / kg 15 ° C sound speed 340 m / s in air safe voltage Not higher than 36 V 1, liquid pressure P = GH;

Let's see what unit of length this symbol represents
20” x 26”

20 inches by 26 inches

Is silk a unit of length?

On the second floor, hebchina is right
Let me add a little more. 0.01mm is one silk, 0.1mm is one strip
Mechanical commonly used size deviation commonly known as