Xiaoming's family has a small electronic scale. Now he wants to use this electronic scale to measure the density of breakfast milk that his mother has set for him. Please work with him to find a suitable container (except the measuring cylinder) and design an experiment to measure the density of milk (1) What's the container you're looking for? (2) What is the design of your experiment? (3) According to your design, the final expression of milk density can be expressed as: P milk =?

Xiaoming's family has a small electronic scale. Now he wants to use this electronic scale to measure the density of breakfast milk that his mother has set for him. Please work with him to find a suitable container (except the measuring cylinder) and design an experiment to measure the density of milk (1) What's the container you're looking for? (2) What is the design of your experiment? (3) According to your design, the final expression of milk density can be expressed as: P milk =?

1. Cup
2. (1) first measure the weight of the cup g cup; (2) fill the cup with water, measure and calculate the weight of water g water on the electronic scale, and know that the density of water is 1.0x1000 (to calculate the volume of the cup, i.e. the volume of milk); (3) fill the cup with milk, and weigh its weight g milk
[the whole process is based on the transformation of V = g / P, P = g / V, PV = g]
I may have some mistakes in the symbol, please revise it,

Reference topic: the harm of noise, the method of noise control and the classification of noise control materials
We should have experimental design, conjecture, and our own experimental steps and phenomena

It can be divided into three categories (noise elimination, sound absorption and sound insulation)
Simple experimental methods are as follows: Principle: using mobile phone as noise source, using boxes made of different materials as sound insulation equipment, each time you send songs of the same size (mobile phone is placed in the box), listen to the size of the sound nearby. (you can turn down the sound at the first time until you can't hear it when the mobile phone is wrapped), and classify the sound insulation materials according to the degree of sound decline
Methods: use mobile phone as voice control (sound and noise), use boxes (write physics books), foam, make and small wooden boxes, etc. (boxes of size: (write or not)), and use towel to wrap mobile phone (thickness is the same).
Phenomenon: the towel must be the worst, the best expected paper and wood are generally wood, the sound insulation is good (wood density is greater), that is to say, the intensity of the sound is different, and the conclusion is that you can blow it down by yourself

How to write a physical experiment report? Be simple and clear

First write the topic, then the experimental purpose, experimental principle, experimental equipment, experimental steps, experimental data, and finally the analysis and discussion, very simple, according to the teacher's steps in class, write one by one, clear thinking, and then analysis and discussion have their own views, for junior high school experimental report, the requirements are not very high