Celebrity examples of faith

Celebrity examples of faith

The philosopher Russell said, "blind faith regardless of facts is the general nature of all religions and the basic spirit of all national education systems. Under such circumstances, the mental development of young people is hindered. They are full of blind hostility towards those who hold other blind beliefs, and even more vicious resentment against those who oppose all blind beliefs."

Argumentation: two famous examples of suffering

Stephen Hawking was born on January 8, 1942 in Oxford, England. This is a special day. Galileo, the founder of modern science, died on the same day 300 years ago. Hawking went to Cambridge University to study as a graduate student immediately after he graduated from Oxford University. At this time, he was diagnosed with "lugaret disease", and soon he was completely paralyzed. In 1985, Hawking underwent tracheotomy due to pneumonia, He can't speak at all. He relies on a small pair phone and a speech synthesizer installed on the wheelchair to talk with people. Reading books must rely on a page turning machine. When reading literature, he needs to ask someone to spread every page on a large table, and then he drives the wheelchair to read page by page like a silkworm eating mulberry leaves Hawking became the world recognized giant of gravitational physics in this incredible difficulty. He was Newton's former lucason professor of mathematics at Cambridge University. His black hole evaporation theory and quantum cosmology not only shocked the natural science community, but also had a profound impact on philosophy and religion, A brief history of time, a popular science book on cosmology, was officially published in April 1988. In the book, readers are guided to explore the strange fields of outer space, such as distant galaxies, black holes, quarks, grand unified theory, "flavored" particles and "spin" particles, antimatter, "time arrow", etc, People who claim to have received education will be looked down upon if they have not read this book. Hawking, who was diagnosed as terminally ill by doctors, can only live for two years. The most important reason why he can support today and achieve remarkable achievements is that he has a strong sense of mission and extremely strong will. Hawking's life is a record of human willpower and a miracle created by scientific spirit
Cao Xueqin wrote a dream of Red Mansions, a famous classic of Chinese literature, under the circumstances of adversity. After experiencing the changes of the bureaucratic aristocratic family, which had been flourishing for hundreds of years, he saw the rise and fall of the feudal ruling class and the irreparable fate, and felt that he was not born at the right time, Cao Xueqin was determined to write a novel handed down from generation to generation. However, Cao Xueqin, who was in adversity, encountered difficulties that we can hardly imagine today. In feudal society, the only "right way" for scholars was to read classics and take imperial examinations. Writing novels was regarded as "unworthy" and "incompetent". At that time, the literary inquisition was prevalent in the Qing Dynasty. If he was careless in writing, he would offend the ruling class, or even exile, At that time, in addition to the material hardships such as lack of food and clothing, the spiritual torture was particularly unbearable. The upper rulers and literati were used to looking for shadows from novels, guessing what they "alluded to" and exposing which secret. Cao Xueqin wrote a book about "blaming the world and scolding the time", Cao Xueqin was dissatisfied by his people and suspicious by the rulers. In addition to two or three friends who supported him, the world thought he was a "fool" and "madman". The rulers even demolished his house and made him move several times to stop his writing activities. Facing such adversity, Cao Xueqin did not retreat, but only learned from it and worked harder to write, He has not been frightened by hunger, nor stopped writing because he was short of money to buy paper, nor written rashly because he was poor and bullied. He devoted all his efforts to the writing of a dream of Red Mansions. In adversity, he "read two years, add and delete five times", and finally wrote a dream of Red Mansions, which is praised by the world

Examples of argumentative materials

Patriotism (1) Introduction "every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the world". In ancient and modern history, how many people with lofty ideals have dedicated their lives to defend the dignity and prosperity of the motherland. Patriots are always in history, respected by others, traitors are infamous and reviled by the world