Materials commonly used in middle school composition (examples of celebrities) Whatever you want to use in argumentation, the more the better

Materials commonly used in middle school composition (examples of celebrities) Whatever you want to use in argumentation, the more the better

Life belief
Why is the Golden Army home
Yue Fei, a national hero at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty, set up the ambition of "returning to our country" in the turbulent era of the Jin invasion. He fought in the battlefield all his life and died. When Yue Fei led the army to defeat the Jin soldiers repeatedly and made great achievements, some people presented beautiful women as a sign of consolation. Yue Fei said, "is it time for the general to be happy before the Jin soldiers are destroyed?" Song Gaozong wanted to build a house and family for him, In praise of his outstanding military achievements, he also said: "why do you make your home before the Jin soldiers are destroyed?" Yue Fei remained a great reputation for his life
Analysis: life is short, what is the most important? Some people choose to be happy in time, some people choose to be comfortable, but Yue Fei chooses to give up ego for his ideal and ambition, for the happiness of more people
Topics: "the value of life", "enjoyment and pursuit"
Tong Dizhou's newlywed farewell to his beloved wife
In 1930, Tong Dizhou just got married. In order to further his education, he resolutely bid farewell to his wife and went to Belgium to study. They firmly believed that "if the two love each other for a long time, it will be four years." his wife raised her children at home and saved some of her meager wages to send to Tong Dizhou, who was almost destitute abroad. He could not help but burst into tears. Four years later, Tong returned home, From then on, they explored the mystery of biology side by side in the laboratory
Analysis: knowledge seekers, sometimes close to the ruthless; seemingly ruthless, but the most emotional
Topics: "love and heartlessness", "pursuit"
Li Ning won gold medal in injury competition
Li Ning, who won three gold medals in succession in the Olympic Games, took part in the competition with injuries. In May 1984, he gave up the national gymnastics competition held in Nanchang due to severe injuries. As the Olympic Games approached, his injuries improved a little, so he took part in training. After going to Los Angeles, one day when he rolled back on the parallel bars and pulled his arms, he strained his chest muscle and injured his shoulder and back, which made him convulse, But he secretly swore to the coach: "fight, even if the shoulder is broken after the game, I will admit it!" in this way, Li Ning won three gold medals not only by his physical strength and skill, but also by his strong will
Analysis: the gold medal is important, more important than the gold medal is the spirit. The most touching thing on the stadium is the fighting spirit
Topic: "the heaviest gold medal" "priceless spirit"
Don't stop until you reach your goal
Hou Baolin, a language master, had only been in primary school for three years. Due to his diligence, his artistic level reached the level of perfection, and he became a famous language expert. Once, in order to buy a Ming Dynasty joke book "banlang", which he wanted to buy, he ran all the old bookstores in Beijing, but he didn't get his wish. Later, he learned that Beijing library had the book. It was winter, and he braved the strong wind and the heavy snow, After 18 days in a row, he went to the library to copy a Book of 100000 words, which was finally copied by him. It was with his strong perseverance that Hou Baolin became a master of crosstalk art
Analysis: language master Hou Baolin tells us this truth with his actions: if you want to achieve a career, you should be diligent and persistent
Topics: "laughter comes from diligence", "learning makes genius"
Burn elbow and practice writing
After graduating from Shanghai Art College, Pan Jin, a contemporary painter, returned to his hometown to sell paintings for a living. He practiced hard in the harsh environment, often for more than ten hours. In the evening, he practiced painting under the kerosene lamp, and found the best way to cure his drowsiness. Whenever he felt sleepy in painting at night and could not control himself, he put his arm on the lampshade, The burning kerosene lamp glass gave a hissing sound. The pain dispelled his sleepiness, and he raised his spirit to continue painting. Over time, he left several black scars on his elbow. He studied hard to paint and finally succeeded. His fish painting is unique and famous at home and abroad
Analysis: learning needs both method and perseverance. No one who wants to take advantage can succeed
Topics: "assiduous", "the rule of success"
The death of Wang Guowei
In Wang Guowei's cultural life, the most profound stroke is his death
As for his death, Zhao Wanli's chronicle of Mr. Wang Jing'an has the following record: "on the night of the second day of May, after reading the examination paper, he wrote a letter. He slept soundly as usual at night. The next morning (June 2, 1927), he washed his food and went to the Research Institute as usual. Suddenly, he went out of the school alone with five fake silver cakes and hired a car to the summer palace, When the gardener saw it, he suddenly heard the sound of falling water and began to fight for help. In less than two minutes, he was out of breath. It was just the right time. "
It can be inferred that Wang Guowei's death was not only an active choice, but also a peaceful one. It was like going on a date with an old friend, without any element of excitement. It was this calm attitude that defined Wang Guowei's unique position in the coordinate system of cultural history, From the perspective of history, his death not only does not stick to some specific current affairs, but also transcends individual life. He uses death to separate himself from the fallen culture. He sees that if the body does not die, the spirit will die. Therefore, the spirit will die, Only the death of the body, in exchange for eternal life of the spirit. This is his great soberness and wisdom. At that time, I am afraid only a few people with the same feeling saw through this
Analysis: the choice of tranquility and no regret seems to be pursuing something. Maybe it is a kind of tranquility in the heart of Chinese intellectuals!
Topics: "choice and pursuit", "death and immortality"
Jia Pingwa: never discouraged
When Jia Pingwa was a student in the Chinese Department of the University, he began to create literature. He published poems in the university newspaper and gradually put his works into newspapers and magazines. Although he received more rejection slips than the fee slips at that time, he was not discouraged. As always, he read, wrote and contributed, and finally achieved success, He has published sixty or seventy works and won various literary awards at home and abroad for dozens of times
Analysis: perseverance is a kind of quality shining with the light of brave people. Failure is not terrible. To be a brave person with perseverance, success will be yours
Topic: "the road of writing" "persistence is victory"
Can I ask where is the way?
Tang Xuanzang left Chang'an for a journey to the west at the age of 25. Unfortunately, he lost his way after entering the desert and accidentally dropped a can of water he carried with him. He had fainted many times in four or five days, but as soon as he woke up, he continued to move forward and finally walked out of the desert. He crossed the Gobi, climbed the steep mountains, passed through the broken Leaf City, climbed the Pamirs Plateau and ran through the natural danger of tiemen pass. After nearly a year, he finally arrived in the kingdom of Tianzhu, Become the first Chinese traveler to travel around ancient India
Analysis: "in ancient times, those who achieved great things not only had extraordinary talents, but also had perseverance." Tang Xuanzang's success further confirmed the conclusion of Dongpo's Buddhist monks
Topic: "road at foot" and "pioneer"
The seventh effort
There is a well-known story in England: Robert Bruce, the king of ancient Scotland, was defeated six times by the invading enemy and lost his confidence. On a rainy day, he was lying in the hut and saw a spider weaving a web. The spider tried to wrap a piece of silk on the opposite wall, but failed six times. After the seventh effort, he finally achieved his goal. Robert jumped up excitedly, Exclaimed, "I'll come for the seventh time, too!" he organized troops to fight back the invaders and finally drove the enemy out of Scotland
Robert's instinct to win changed his life
Topics: "persistence leads to victory" and "faith"
Legless flying general
During the Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, Alexei melesiev's plane was shot down. He crawled for 18 days and nights with his legs injured and frozen, and finally returned to his position. After amputating his legs, he took exercise and flew a fighter again. He attached great importance to people's sports enthusiasm, This kind of enthusiasm is indispensable to health and mental state. He has been fond of sports since childhood. He likes rowing, played football and worked as a goalkeeper. After grounded, he worked hard every morning and took a cold bath every morning to prevent cold
Analysis: for a person who returns to the cab after amputation, it is absolutely a miracle. The occurrence of miracle needs a support point, that is perseverance
Topics: "real disability", "disability without disability", "spiritual power"
There is only a way out if there is no way out
When he was young, in order to improve his speech ability, he hid in a basement to practice his eloquence. Because of his loneliness, he wanted to go out for a walk from time to time, and his heart could not calm down. The effect of his practice was very poor. But he bent down and shaved half of his hair with scissors, In this way, because he was too shy to see others, he had to give up the idea of going out to play and practice his eloquence wholeheartedly. He couldn't go out of the room for several months, and his level of speech improved by leaps and bounds. After some tenacious efforts, demostheny finally became a world-famous speaker
Similarly, in 1830, Hugo, a French writer, signed a contract with the publisher to hand over a work within half a year. In order to ensure that he could devote all his energy to writing, Hugo locked all his clothes except his sweater in the cupboard and threw the key into the lake. In this way, because he could not get the clothes he wanted to wear, he completely gave up the idea of going out to meet friends and play, As a result, the work was released two weeks ahead of schedule. This work, which took only five months to complete, is the world-famous literary masterpiece Notre Dame
Analysis: two examples show such a truth: it is the common choice of many wise men to cut off the retreat and force themselves to succeed
Topic: "we have no way out" "way out is an excuse"
"Lantern girl" Nightingale
In the middle of the 19th century, the status of nurses was low. Born in a famous family, Nightingale decided to set an example to change this situation and volunteered to be a nurse
In 1854, Britain and Russia started war in Crimea. Nightingale went to the front line in person. She cleaned, disinfected, bandaged, changed medicine on time, improved food for the wounded. She often knelt on the ground, scrubbed the floor and washed her bloody clothes and pants. Every night, she would carry a lamp and check the condition one by one on the 4 km inspection line, sing songs to the wounded, and send comfort and love to them without interruption, She often worked for more than 20 hours and was so tired that she lost her hair. Because of her hard work, the death rate of the wounded was reduced from 60% to 0.3%. Later, she did not return home until the last soldier left the battlefield after the armistice between Britain and Russia. After returning home, she took all the 50000 pounds donated by the British people to reward her and founded the first nursing school in the world, It has made great contribution to the foundation of modern nursing
In view of this, after her death, the International Red Cross designated her birthday as "international nurses' Day" on May 12. The British people set up a huge bronze statue holding an oil lamp for her, and "Lantern girl" nightingale is known as "the greatest woman in British history"
Analysis: Nightingale devoted his time and love, thus changing the whole world's view of nurses. It can be seen that personal strength is not small, the key depends on how much you are willing to pay
Topics: "sacrifice and dedication", "how to face up to your work"
Arafat: a tragic hero
Arafat grew up