Do you need to remove the brackets in the question 3x2 - [7x - (4x-3) - 2x Λ 2] 3x2-[7x-(4x-3)-2x∧2] Do you need to remove brackets in this question? If you need to remove brackets, do you need to use the rule of removing brackets?

Do you need to remove the brackets in the question 3x2 - [7x - (4x-3) - 2x Λ 2] 3x2-[7x-(4x-3)-2x∧2] Do you need to remove brackets in this question? If you need to remove brackets, do you need to use the rule of removing brackets?

Need to go
Use the rule of removing brackets

The perimeter of a rectangle is 28cm. If the length of the rectangle is reduced by 2cm and the width is increased by 4cm, a square can be formed. What are the length and width of the original rectangle?

Suppose the length of the rectangle is xcm, then the width is (14-x) cm. According to the meaning of the question, we get: X-2 = (14-x) + 4. The solution is: x = 10, 14-x = 14-10 = 4. Answer: the length of the rectangle is 10cm, and the width is 4cm

It is known that the perimeter of a rectangle is 28cm, and the lengths on both sides are x and Y respectively. If x + xy = XY + y, the area of the rectangle is calculated

x+xy=xy+y x(x+y)=y(x+y) x(x+y)-y(x+y)=0 (x+y)(x-y)=0 (x+y)^2(x-y)=0 x-y=0 x=y x+y=28/2=14 x=y=7 7*7=49

(1) The perimeter of the rectangle is 28cm, the length of both sides is x, y, and x ^ 3 + x ^ 2 * y-xy ^ 2-y ^ 3 = 0. Calculate the area of the rectangle. (2) 3x ^ (2m + 3) + 75X

X ^ 3 + x ^ 2y-xy ^ 2-y ^ 3 = 0 x ^ 2 (x + y) - y ^ 2 (x + y) = 0 (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) (x + y) = 0 (X-Y) (x + y) ^ 2 = 0 x = y the rectangle is a square, side length: 28 △ 4 = 7cm, area: 7 * 7 = 49cm ^ 2

The perimeter of the rectangle is 28cm, and the lengths of both sides are x (CM), y (CM). If x ^ 3 + x ^ 2y-xy ^ 2-y ^ 3 = 0, calculate the area of the rectangle. 3Q
If x ^ 3 + x ^ 2y-xy ^ 2-y ^ 3 = 0, (the third power of x plus the second power of X multiplied by Y minus x multiplied by the second power of Y minus a certain third power equals 0), the area of the rectangle can be calculated

The perimeter is 28, the two sides are x, y, so x + y = 14 x ^ 3 + x ^ 2y-xy ^ 2-y ^ 3 = x ^ 2 (x + y) - y ^ 2 (x + y) = (x ^ 2-y ^ 2) (x + y) = (x + y) ^ 2 (X-Y) = 0, x + y = 14, so X-Y = 0, so x = y = 7, so area = 49
Hope to adopt

The perimeter of a rectangle is 16 meters, and the meters of its length and width are two prime numbers. How many square meters is the area of the rectangle?

Because the circumference of the rectangle is 16 meters, that is (length + width) × 2 = 16, so length + width = 16 △ 2 = 8 (CM); because length and width are prime numbers, so 8 = 5 + 3, so the length should be 5 meters and the width is 3 meters; the area of the rectangle is 5 × 3 = 15 (square meters). Answer: the area product of the rectangle is 15 square meters

The circumference of a rectangle is 16 meters. The meters of its length and width are two prime numbers. What are the length and width of the rectangle?
Hurry up!
Be clear and direct.

16÷2 = 3 + 5
The length and width of this rectangle may be 3 meters and 5 meters

It is known that the length of a rectangle is 6 × (the fourth power of 10) cm, the width is 2 × (the fourth power of 10) cm, and the height is 3 × (the fourth power of 10)
It is known that the length of a rectangle is 6 × (the fourth power of 10) cm, the width is 2 × (the fourth power of 10) cm, and the height is 3 × (the fourth power of 10) cm. The surface area and volume of the rectangle are calculated

It is known that the length of a rectangle is 6 × (quartic power of 10) cm, the width is 2 × (quartic power of 10) cm, and the height is 3 × (quartic power of 10) cm. The surface area and volume of the rectangle can be obtained according to the known length, width and height: the surface area of the rectangle = (6x10 ^ 4) x (2x10 ^ 4) x2 + (3x10 ^ 4) x (2x10 ^ 4) x2 + (6x

The area of the rectangle is 34 square meters, 17 meters long and how many meters wide

You mean it 2

A rectangle has an area of 84 square meters, a width of 7 meters and a length of ()

84 △ 7 = 12 (m)