How many numbers in 150 are the product of three different prime numbers Is there a proper way to use it? I'll go straight to the count.

How many numbers in 150 are the product of three different prime numbers Is there a proper way to use it? I'll go straight to the count.

Two, 30 and 150

Given that the sum of three prime numbers is 150, what is the maximum product of the multiplication of the three prime numbers?
As the title
Very urgent!

It's not hard to find three numbers 27179

If the product of two prime numbers is 11 times larger than their sum, what are the two prime numbers

Let these two prime numbers be a and B, then AB = 3 (a + b) + 11ab-3a = 3B + 11a = (3b + 11) / (B-3) = 3 + 20 / (B-3), so B-3 is a divisor of 20, and the divisors of 20 are: ± 1, ± 2, ± 4, ± 5, ± 10, ± 20. If B = 3 ± 1,3 ± 2,3 ± 4,3 ± 5,3 ± 10,3 ± 20, b > 0, and B = 2,5,7,13,23