How do I use the input method to type the multiplication sign, division sign, and other mathematical punctuation marks?

How do I use the input method to type the multiplication sign, division sign, and other mathematical punctuation marks?

Enter Chenghao
Or chuhao

Solving the application problems of unknowns
It took nine hours for a car to go from place a to place B and return to place a immediately. It took 100 kilometers per hour to go and 80 kilometers per hour to return. How many kilometers are there between the two places?

The distance between the two places is x km
The solution is as follows
X = 400 (km)
A: the distance between the two places is 400 kilometers

Solving primary school practical problems without unknowns
The money ratio of Party A and Party B is 3:7. After Party B has spent 4 yuan, the money ratio of Party A and Party B is 7:15?

Hello: A's money doesn't change
It turns out that B's money accounts for a's: 7 / 3 = 7 / 3
Now B's money accounts for a's: 15 / 7 = 15 / 7
A's money: 4 / 3-15 / 7 = 4 / 21 = 21 yuan
B original money: 21 △ 3 × 7 = 49 (yuan)