Why can't circuit superposition theorem be applied to nonlinear circuits?

Why can't circuit superposition theorem be applied to nonlinear circuits?

1. Theorem content: in the linear resistance circuit, the current (or voltage) generated in any branch when each independent power source (voltage source, current source) acts together is equal to the superposition of the current (or voltage) generated in the branch when each independent power source acts alone

The superposition theorem is applicable to the superposition of voltage or current in linear circuit, but the power cannot be superposition


As an important theorem in linear circuit analysis, the basic content and application scope of superposition theorem are briefly introduced?

Superposition principle is an important law of linear circuit. In linear circuit, the current {or voltage} of any branch is the algebraic sum of the current {or voltage} generated in the branch when each power source acts alone
In using the superposition principle, the conditions and precautions are as follows
The superposition principle is only suitable for solving the voltage and current of linear circuit, but not for power
When each independent power supply works independently, other independent power supply doesn't work, voltage source is short circuited and current source is disconnected
In addition, the reference direction of voltage and current should be paid attention to