Kirchhoff's law and Ohm's law can be applied to any circuit, right? If something is wrong!

Kirchhoff's law and Ohm's law can be applied to any circuit, right? If something is wrong!

Ohm's law only applies to pure circuits
Kirchhoff's law is put forward by German physicist Kirchhoff. Kirchhoff's law is one of the most basic and important laws in circuit theory. It summarizes the basic laws of current and voltage in circuit respectively. It includes Kirchhoff's current law (KCl) and Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL)

On using Kirchhoff's law to explain current balance
Our company has a 1600KVA transformer, the low-voltage side current is 1239a, at this time, the capacitor is not put in, the power factor is 0.9, when the capacitor compensation is put in, the power factor is 0.98, the low-voltage side current is 1180a, but the current of each outlet circuit does not change, why?

When the capacitor is not put into operation, the active current and reactive current (1239a in this example) of all loads flow through the low-voltage coil of the transformer. If all loads are regarded as a whole, it is a simple series circuit. After the capacitor is put into operation, the capacitor can be regarded as parallel connected to both ends of the low-voltage coil of the transformer (also can be regarded as parallel connected to both ends of the load), At this time, from the point of view of the node connected with the capacitor and the load at one end of the transformer, the current flowing to the load is not changed. In addition, there are the current flowing to the low voltage coil of the transformer and the current flowing to the capacitor. The vector sum of these three currents is 0
In fact, that is to say, after the capacitor is incorporated, all the reactive current on the load side flows through the capacitor, and all the active current flows through the low voltage coil of the transformer, so the current of the low voltage coil of the transformer is reduced

Nodes and branches in Kirchhoff's law
I understand the idea of Kirchhoff's law, but now the puzzle is to give me a circuit diagram, I can't see how many nodes and branches are!
I also know that the node is every branch of the circuit, but it is still not clear that each branch! There is also a node refers to the connection point of three or more branches, once the circuit is complex, I will be confused again Ah, which prawn can point out the maze, let me see the circuit diagram can accurately say the node and branch is very grateful!

I'm a university circuit teacher,
You can professionally think that every component in a circuit is a branch, and only two or more branch connection points are nodes
It's very helpful to solve the problem
You said three and more are the old version of the concept of teaching materials