What's the other pronunciation of "Ji" and what words can be formed

What's the other pronunciation of "Ji" and what words can be formed

How many

1. Small or short table: small
2. Nearly, almost: almost
3. Symptom: it's divine
How many

1. Question words asking the number (estimated not too large): individual? He (A. how much, such as "Life ~" B. discipline that studies the nature, relationship and calculation method of point, line and surface, such as "plane ~")
2. Indefinite number: this book. 100 people

How to make up words with the other pronunciation of worry

Be responsible for
Worry about D ā n x ī n
Take on CH é ng D ā n
Burden f ù D ā n
Shoulder pole Bi à n d à n
Dan Zi
Y ī D à n Ti ā o
Burden Ti à o d à n

Use another pronunciation of the same character to make a group of words

Of course