Three pronunciations of Bo

Three pronunciations of Bo

Su Si Sheng (lodging), Liu San Sheng (staying for one night), Liu Si Sheng (Xingxiu)
Thin: Bo two tone (thin), Bao two tone (pancake), Bo four tone (Mint)

The meaning of "forbidding" is overwhelming

The original meaning of "H à O H à o d à ng D à ng" is to describe the vast water potential. Later, it describes the vast expansion of things, or the huge flow of people. It comes from the book of Yao of the Shang Dynasty: "the flood in the Tang Dynasty, the flood in the Huaishan mountain and the Xiangling mountain, the vast sky." Yueyang Lou Ji by Fan Zhongyan of the Song Dynasty "

What's the meaning of incontinence

Ban: control
It refers to the spontaneous expression of feelings and the inability to control oneself