The meaning of "four seasons" in "Xiao Chu Jing CI Si Song Lin Zi Fang" is different. The "Lotus" of "Lotus" should be read () another pronunciation () the second sound group word(

The meaning of "four seasons" in "Xiao Chu Jing CI Si Song Lin Zi Fang" is different. The "Lotus" of "Lotus" should be read () another pronunciation () the second sound group word(

Four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter; another: Song Dynasty proverb, special; H é; H è; charge

Besides m à n, what is the pronunciation of "man"?

A study on the relationship between the growth rate and the growth rate
1. Slender and winding stem: Luffa. Lentil

How to make up words in the two tone pronunciation of Piao

I only have 134 pronunciation
A sound: drifting, drifting
Three voices: bleaching
Four voices: beautiful