Multi pronunciations and word formation of the polyphonic character "a" Help!

Multi pronunciations and word formation of the polyphonic character "a" Help!

The meaning of mausoleum, such as "tuoti Tongshan" (Tao Yuanming)
2. Flattery, such as "flattery"
A (Yang Ping) expresses the tone of questioning, affirming, calling and praying, such as "Shi a", "a Ya", "a pa", etc;
A (upper voice) this is more common. It is often used as a single word to express exclamation
He won the championship

Pronunciation and word formation of polyphonic modules
The pronunciation of a word; the meaning in a word; words with different pronunciations

Model, standard, standard: ~ model, regular script ~~~ type ~~ text ~ pressure  imitation ~~ imitation ~ imitation ~ writing  model ~ English ~. Other words  model  A. people's appearance or dress up; B