There are several pronunciations of Pinyin o

There are several pronunciations of Pinyin o

O in pinyin, the first sound is "Wo, Wo", the second sound is "Wo", the second sound is "Wo", the third sound is "I", the fourth sound is "hold, lie"
When O and other letters are put together to form a compound vowel, its pronunciation is different from that of a single vowel

What is the pronunciation of the first word "Du" in Zheng renmai's ancient prose? What is the meaning of the second word?
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Du, the word in front, is used as a verb to calculate and measure. Du, the word in the back, is used as a noun to measure

Zheng renmai's original Pinyin
First of all, I would like to recite a few notes from Du, but I forget to recite a few notes from Du

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