When writing a number pair, it is usually () before and () after

When writing a number pair, it is usually () before and () after

Abscissa ahead, ordinate behind

How to express position with number pairs

When the number pair is used to represent the position, the first number represents the column and the second number represents the row

Digital reading
eight thousand and four
three hundred and eight
two hundred and fifteen
two thousand and thirty
twenty thousand and ten
two hundred and thirty
How do you read it?

8004 804 eight thousand and four308 three hundred and eight two hundred and fifteen two hundred and thirty two thousand and thirty two thousand and ten two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and thirty two hundred and ten ten ten two